He belongs to a small group of people in the world with an IQ exceeding 200. He has chosen education as his lifelong mission. That is why he founded several successful private schools, which try to equip their students not only with the relevant knowledge and skills, but also with a dose of critical thinking, necessary for living in today's world.
Karel “Cubeca” Kostka, whose surname means Cube in English, obtained doctorates in pedagogy and philosophy, and currently works as the Dean of the Faculty of Social Studies at Humanitas University in Vsetín, Czech Republic. His book Who Are We? - A General Theory of Consciousness, Time, Space and Being made him famous worldwide, and talks about human consciousness and the invisible structures from which our material world arises.
Bearer of one of the most respected brains of these times, he summarizes the findings of contemporary science into a comprehensive form for both experts and non-professionals, and relates them to pre-scientific philosophical and religious writings. He sums up selected viewpoints and explains his own relativistic view of existence and the nature of space and time in hypotheses. He debates with the words of Albert Einstein or Stephen W. Hawking, questions traditional thinking, and presents arguments of unprecedented persuasiveness to explain his concept of being, cosmic order and global creative intelligence, hiding far beyond the reach of our senses.
Nowadays, he exceptionally accepts requests for lectures in philosophy and psychology, as he considers writing to be a better way of presenting his views.