Iva Pekárková (CZE)

Writer, publicist and translator


In the 1980s, she emigrated from her native Czechoslovakia, lived in the USA, Thailand, India, for several years in Prague, and since 2005 she has been living in London, where she makes her living as an interpreter and continues to write.



Iva has worked in social services, in a bar, as a taxi driver, but most of all as an interpreter in refugee camps and in court cases involving social minorities. She has written a number of books inspired partly by her own experiences and partly by cases she has encountered in the courtroom. She has published prose in exile magazines abroad, and has a blog on the Czech portal iDnes. Some of her translated books have also been published in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Spain and Slovenia.


Život v Londonistánu

Luxor stage
20. 7. 2023 17:30 - 18:30


For the past 18 years, Iva Pekárková has lived in London, which she called Londonistan in her 2015 collection of articles. Most of them are about Muslims, followed by very personal texts about her — tolerantly atheist — relationship to Islam. How is life in London for her today?