The fundamental pillar of the Meltingpot International Forum is to educate, dialogue and uplifting the human spirit towards finding active solutions to pressing current issues, both on a personal and planetary level.

This year, after working closely with Agustin Allpa Grefa for three years, we decided to support the indigenous culture of the "Kichua" tribe of the Ruku Samay settlement in the Ecuadorian Amazon, which is on the verge of extinction.

In recent years, the indigenous people of Ecuador have faced another problem in addition to the destruction of the rainforest. Schooling has become compulsory and parents face imprisonment if they do not send their children to school from the age of 3. Entire families are therefore moving to the cities during the week to be with their children. However, this has broken a very long tradition of children learning to live in the jungle with their families. Thus, the original way of life to which the inhabitants of the rainforest have been accustomed for many generations is gradually disappearing.

That is why we support Agustin and his project, the Rainforest School and Nursery, which will enable the indigenous community to survive and, above all, help them to preserve their traditional way of life.

We believe that preserving the traditions and diversity of the world is essential for the future of civilisation as a whole. The Amazon jungle is one of the most important ecosystems on the planet and its destruction is a major contributor to climate change. It is the children who are connected to the indigenous wisdom tradition through the rainforest school that are the hope not only for the preservation of the global ecosystem.



Support the organisation Život Postaru z.s. with any amount to a transparent account:



ACCOUNT NUMBER: 34800348/5500




A generation of young people who want to live in, protect and care for the jungle is disappearing. They are unable to reconnect with their original life before they started school and are staying in cities. Strong family ties that are typical of the Indian family are thus being broken. Children who grow up in the city and inherit land from their parents then tend to sell the land rather than preserve and protect it for future generations. However, some families do not want to leave the jungle and do not want their still young children to go to the cities. They cannot imagine leaving their homes.

Even though some members of the community make a living from ecotourism, selling local raw materials, products and healing, the profits are only enough to cover basic costs, but no longer enough for other projects such as buying land and protecting it from mining companies. Originally, the Kichuan people were completely self-sufficient, but the compulsory school system requires many things from children that are expensive (school uniforms, supplies, travel, housing, etc.).

That is why we are opening the Rainforest School and Nursery Project, which could help the community survive and preserve its traditional way of life. The children's education would take place mainly in the jungle around Ruku Samay and on newly purchased land, where they would learn about the plants that grow there and participate in the planting of endangered species. Here we would also like to build a simple traditional style school building to serve the children in case of rain. This would also give the whole project protection from the state.

The land identified for purchase is located near the community of Rio Blanco. Its purchase will, among other things, prevent miners from operating near the Huambuno River, as its pollution is currently the biggest threat to the local community. The organisation Život Postaru has made an agreement with the Rio Blanco community to never sell the purchased land to mining companies again and to preserve the rainforest on it. Across the river, however, there are other families who are currently negotiating to sell off their land to the mining companies. If we approached them with the idea of preserving the area forever and building a Rainforest School and Nursery, they would also prefer to sell the land to Život Postaru.

In addition to the funds to buy the land, we need to pay for attorney fees, permits, and meet the state's requirements to operate and complete the school and nursery.



You can also learn more about the PROJECT at the festival




  • 19/7/2023 UniverCITY stage 7:30 am-9:00 pm - Excerpts from the film Yachak - A Story from the Amazon and a discussion with director Jan Rajnoha
  • 21/7/2023 on the Goodlife stage 3:00-4:00pm - Rainforest School and Indian Traditions - A discussion with Agustin Allpa Grefa
  • 22/7/2023 on the Goodlife stage 2:45-3:45pm - Indians know that hearts cannot be broken - A discussion with Agustin Allpa Grefa
  • At the booth of Život Postaru (Life the Old Way) in the non-profit organisations zone