Ridina Ahmedová (CZE)

Singer, Musician


Jazz is her background, which she combines and intertwines with other genres to explore less known soundscapes. Ridina has collaborated with Czech musicians such as Floex, Vladimír 518, Načeva and many others. She has also composed music for several theatre performances.



She currently performs as one half of the duo HLASkontraBAS, together with double bassist Petr Tichý, and with the HLASkontraBAS octet, which consists of 4 double basses and 4 voices, and is currently recording a new album. Ridina is also part of the acapella project “Řekni mi” (Tell me).
In addition to playing concerts, she teaches, leads voice workshops for the general public and lessons for the elderly in a theatre. She is the founder of “Hlasohled” centre for working with the human voice. Recently, she aroused considerable attention with the theatre play and podcast “Sádlo” (Lard), for which she received several nominations and awards in the field of theatre and women´s rights. Ridina is the founder of the “Moje tělo je moje” (My Body Is Mine) platform.



Europe stage
22. 7. 2023 11:30 - 13:00


A theatre play about bodyshaming and accepting one´s own body.


Instant music

Cacao stage
21. 7. 2023 15:00 - 16:15

