Petr Horálek (CZE)

Photographer, illustrator, writer, traveller, astronomer


A Czech delegate of the International Dark-Sky Association, the first Czech Photo Ambassador of the European Southern Observatory, and the author of several photographic books.



His images have been selected several times as the prestigious ESO Astronomy Picture of the Week, NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day and Czech Astrophotograph of the Month. The asteroid 6822 Horálek was named after him for his worldwide achievements in the field of astrophotography. Petr works at the Institute of Physics at the Silesian University in Opava in the field of science popularization.


Na lovech skvostů tmavé oblohy

SUper stage Slezské univerzity
22. 7. 2023 16:15 - 18:00


Unfortunately, sky observation and subsequent research is threatened with increasing light pollution. Petr will talk about the phenomenon of dark skies outside cities and why to travel to places like the Canary Islands, Chile or the Pacific region.