Monika Horsáková (CZE)

Publicist, documentary filmmaker, university teacher and activist


Monika is the head of the Institute of Film, Television and Radio Production at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Silesian University in Opava.


She is, among other things, the co-author of the Modern Poetry for Schools, Cultural Tracks of Ostrava and LucernaTV projects, as well as of series of educational documentaries.
In 2019, she took on the direction of the documentary project Voices of Meltingpot, a series of personal confessions of speakers of the international discussion forum Meltingpot.
Monika is a member of a local association, which deals with public space, and co-author of several books.

Tváří v tvář hvězdám Meltingpotu — Behind Voices of Meltingpot

SUper stage Slezské univerzity
21. 7. 2023 14:00 - 14:45


Behind-the-scenes of the unique audiovisual confessions of the stars of the Meltingpot discussion forum.