Martin studied physics at Silesian University in Opava, where he now works on the development of multimedia and popularization of science. He is a member of the Dark Sky Expert Group at the Czech Astronomical Society.
He works with colleagues from the field of Environmental Monitoring and gives lectures on light pollution. He also dealt with the issue of disturbing light at the municipal level. He was a member of the Urban Planning Commission of the Opava City Council and chairman of the Supervisory Board of Technical Services in Opava, which is in charge of public lighting in the town.
For millions of years, humans have adapted to the alternation of day and night. It is only in the last few decades that we use artificial light, which is becoming more and more powerful. Both humanity and nature feel the disruption of biorhythms that have been developing for ages. The solution is simple: to be aware of it, and to light up in a smarter way.