Jana Orlová (CZE)

Poet, performer, art critic, theorist and curator


Jana Orlová has published several collections in the Czech Republic — Čichat oheň (2012), Újedě (2017), Neutečeš (2022) — and abroad (Romanian and Ukrainian 2019, e-book in India 2020, Polish 2021, Danish 2022). Her poems are also translated into other languages, e. g. English, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic or Chinese.


In addition to poetry, she deals both practically and theoretically with visual performance, which for her is "living poetry". She participated in many international festivals, including the Canadian Rencontre internationale d'art performance / RIAP in 2022. She collaborates with the periodicals Flash Art, Dance Zone and Art and Documentation (PL).
Since 2022, she has been working at Silesian University in Opava as part of the Audiovisual Creation study program, and as part of her research, she focuses on the possibilities of exhibiting and documenting visual performance.

Hladový performer aneb Popelka hledá střevíček

SUper stage Slezské univerzity
21. 7. 2023 15:00 - 15:45


Why do some artists use pain as a means of self-transcendence? What is it like to be both subject and object of a performance? What does that imply about the relationship to one's own body and, metaphorically, to the social, economic, ecological and political body?