Hana Komárková (CZE)



Hana Komárková was born in the Czech town of Bruntál. Perhaps for this reason, she has always been drawn to the dark Middle Ages.



She studied history at the Silesian University in Opava, where she also successfully completed her PhD in History with a focus on Czech and Czechoslovak history. During her studies she did a number of internships abroad (Poland, Great Britain), but she did not find a better place to live than Silesia. Hana is currently working at the Institute of Historical Sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy and Science of the Silesian University in Opava as an assistant professor for medieval history. Her research focuses on Silesian towns of the late Middle Ages and early modern period.


Tahle doba není pro starý! Jak to bylo se stářím ve středověku?

SUper stage Slezské univerzity
19. 7. 2023 15:00 - 15:45


Was it worth growing old in the Middle Ages, or was it significantly better to die young, perhaps by a violent death? Was there a midlife crisis? Or was it more of a Middle Age crisis?