Greg is known for his investigative reports for The Guardian, BBC Television, Rolling Stone and his string of New York Times bestsellers including The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Billionaires & Ballot Bandits. His latest film, Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman is narrated by Rosario Dawson and produced by Martin Sheen.
Greg and his hat have been seen on over 2000 media appearances. He is known for complex undercover investigations, spanning five continents, based on the skills he learned over two decades as an investigator of corporate fraud on behalf of the US Dept of Justice, 20 attorneys general and governments from England to Brazil.
Greg earned his degree in finance at the University of Chicago studying under Milton Friedman. He has led investigations of multi-billion-dollar frauds in the oil, nuclear, power and finance industries. He is the author of Democracy and Regulation, a seminal treatise on energy corporations and government control.
He is Patron of the Trinity College Philosophical Society, an honour previously held by Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde. He has won a number of distinguished awards, his bestsellers have been translated into two dozen languages and films broadcast worldwide.