Stáňa Stiborová (CZE)

Entrepreneur and coach


Stáňa is living her life to the fullest and fulfilling her dreams. She is an expert in online business and online marketing and, since 2015, has been the most sought-after Czech mentor for (not only) aspiring online entrepreneurs, whom she helps on their way to a free life.



She can do her business from anywhere in the world thanks to the internet. From the beach, a cottage house or her favourite coffee shop. That is the core idea of her project "Entrepreneurship from the beach" and her lifestyle. Stáňa is a passionate traveller and discovers unusual destinations with her husband and four children. Traveling is not only a source of inspiration for her, but also an important part of personal growth and learning. Each country she visits with her family brings new opportunities to experience diverse ways of life, which in turn enrich her approach to personal life and business. She regularly shares her travel experiences on social media and on her blog, where she inspires others to explore the world with an open mind and heart.